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Give Today to Foster Better Businesses & Stronger Communities

Helping the Community from the Roots Up

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Giving A Little Can Grow A Lot!

The QVCDC, Quaboag Valley Community Development Corporation, is involved in MANY different projects that help support the community and economic development of the Quaboag Region of Massachusetts and beyond! It starts by nurturing our roots!

Whether you are from the area or not towns needing support, like we offer, are all across America. Help build and grow better roots in smaller communities to support a more stable country.

How are we helping the community grow together?

Below is an overview of our ever-evolving programs! For more in-depth details on programs and partners please visit our website at

Program Line-Up:

  • Small Business Loans - The intent of our Loan Program is to customize a loan that is manageable by the borrower and will be paid back. Businesses who may be eligible:
    • Microenterprise Businesses
    • Small Businesses planning to Create Jobs
    • Other Businesses that do not fall into these categories may also apply.
  • *All businesses must meet certain requirements, some of which are listed on our website.

  • Technical Assistance* - Provides 1-1 Consulting in areas of:
    • Business Start-Up/Business Planning & Development
    • Marketing & Sales
    • Financial Record Keeping
    • Industry Specific Assistance
    • and more!
  • Workforce Training* - Provides computer training classes on common software applications, for individuals and businesses, to help build a stronger workforce.
  • Financial Fitness Club - This is a financial capability building and special matched savings program helping participants learn how to save for a goal over a period of time.
  • E2E (Education to Employment) - This is the only Quaboag Region Workforce Training and Community College Center in the area. An approximately 3,000 square-foot center located at 79 Main Street in Ware, Ma which includes two classrooms, private study areas and office space. Computer workstations are available for enrolled students. Also offering non-credit classes in manufacturing, health careers, hospitality and culinary arts.
  • Senior Outreach Program - Provides Essential Services Free to Seniors. This has been extremely impactful for at risk seniors during Covid-19 by providing grocery and prescription pickup.
  • Quaboag Connector - A transportation service that helps individuals without transportation get to and from appointments, the grocery store, work and school.
  • Tutoring Services* - We are connecting eligible students of all ages with the help they need to succeed at free or reduced cost.

The QVCDC is designed to leverage private contributions in order to support this broad array of community development efforts as determined by the local community.

You are truly impacting individuals, families, businesses and perpetuating growth in the community by giving today.

We Thank You for Your Consideration!

*Financial Aid is available to eligible trainees/individuals/businesses for free or reduced pricing.

**We have CITC, Community Investment Tax Credits, available for giving of $1,000 or more.

Our Mission: "To improve the quality of life in the Quaboag Valley by addressing the economic environmental, and social needs of its residents while maintaining the integrity and character of each community in the region."

QVCDC works in partnership with Quaboag Valley Business Assistance Corporation, (QVBAC) and numerous community partners to provide a wide range of programs and services to enhance the economic climate of our region.

We proudly serve businesses in the towns of: Belchertown · Brimfield · Brookfield · Charlton · Dudley · East Brookfield · Hardwick · Holland · Monson · New Braintree · North Brookfield · Oxford · Palmer · Spencer · Southbridge · Sturbridge · Wales · Ware · Warren · West Brookfield

Quaboag Valley Community Development Corporation & Quaboag Valley Business Assistance Corporation
23 West Main Street, Ware, MA 01082
Phone: (413) 967-3001, Fax (413) 967-3008
QVBAC/CDC are equal opportunity employers, providers and lenders